Northern Piedmont District

The Northern Piedmont District is made up of 149 churches in Rockingham and Guilford counties.


Guilford Northwest

Cecil Donahue- leader,; (336) 209-5875

Bethany (Summerfield)
Bethel (Oak Ridge)
Center (Greensboro)
Flat Rock (Stokesdale)
Gethsemane (Greensboro)
Glencoe (Summerfield)
Mount Zion (Stokesdale)
Oak Ridge (Oak Ridge)
Stokesdale (Stokesdale)
Summerfield Peace (Summerfield)

Guilford West

Dan Money, leader

Collins Grove, Covenant, Greensboro Korean, Guilford College, Hickory Grove, Muir’s Chapel, Raleigh’s Crossroads, Sandy Ridge, St. John’s, St. Timothy’s, Zion Hill

Guilford Southeast

Kyles Wallace, leader,; 336/674-2941

Bethany, Bethel, Bethlehem, First Liberty, Julian, Mount Pleasant, Pleasant Garden, Pleasant Union, Shiloh, Staley, Tabernacle, White’s Chapel

Greensboro South

Nick Scandale, leader,; 336/312-7193

Burnett’s Chapel, Celia Phelps, Groometown, Hinshaw, Holmes Grove, Moriah, Mount Tabor, New Goshen, Rehobeth, St. Andrews, Triad Native American, Vickery

Greensboro Central

John Franklin Howard, leader,; 336/697-0444

Bessemer, Centenary, Christ, College Place, Glenwood, Grace, Immanuel, Metropolitan, Mount Pleasant, St. Matthews, Union Memorial, West Market Street

Greensboro East

George Coates, leader,; 336/273-6073

Bass Chapel, Carraway, Irving Park, Laughlin Memorial, Lee’s Chapel, Mount Pisgah, Newlyn Street, Proximity, St. Paul

High Point Area

Tim Porter, leader,; 336/882-6657

Christ, First High Point, Highland, Jamestown, Lebanon, Mitchell’s Grove, Northwood, Oakdale, Rankin Memorial, Spring Hill, Ward St. Mission, Welch Memorial, Wesley Memorial

Randolph Northern

Ken Spencer, leader,; 336/431-9507

Archdale, Bethel, Fairfield, Fairview, Hopewell, Liberty Grove, Mount Gilead, Mount Vernon, Pleasant Hill, Prospect, St. Mary’s, Trinity Memorial

Randolph Central

Dana Bunn, leader,; 336/498-3802

Bethany, Ferree’s Chapel, First Randleman, Level Cross, Mount Lebanon, New Salem, Old Union, St. Peter’s, Worthville

Rockingham Northeast

Sue Ann Morris, leader,; 336/635-8573

Bethlehem, First Eden, Hickory Grove, Leakesville, Meadow View, Mount Carmel, Pelham, Ruffin, Spray, St. John


Marilyn Weiler, leader,; 336/349-6017

Brown Summit, Camp Springs, Fairgrove, First Reidsville, Friendship, Garretts Grove, Jackson, Lowe’s, Main Street, Mizpah, Salem, St. Paul, Wentworth, Wesley Chapel, Woodmont

Rockingham West

Wanda Lancaster, leader, –  (336) 932-3364

Centenary (Stoneville)
Eden (Madison)
Gideon Grove (Stokesdale)
Hayes Chapel (Madison)
Hodgin Memorial (Stoneville)
Madison (Madison)
Matthews Chapel (Stoneville)
Mayodan (Mayodan)
Mount Carmel (Stokesdale)
Mount Hermon (Madison)
Mount Tabor (Madison)
Palestine (Stokesdale)
St. Stephen’s (Madison)

Guilford East

Mark Smith leader, –  (336) 840-7304

Faithwalk (Gibsonville)
Gibsonville (Gibsonville)
Gibsonville (Gibsonville)
St. James (Sedalia)


UMM District President:

William O. Waddell
5715 Wrenwood Drive
Greensboro, NC 27455
