Article I
The name of the organization shall be United Methodist Men of the Western North Carolina Conference, Inc., a North Carolina non-profit corporation, hereafter referred to as the Organization.
Article II
The Organization’s headquarters will be the Western North Carolina Conference Office of the United Methodist Church, 3400 Shamrock Drive, Charlotte, NC 28215, whose mailing address is P.O. Box 18005, Charlotte, NC 28218. The telephone number is 1-800-562-7929.
Article III
The Conference Organization is to assist District Organizations and local church fellowships to realize their primary purpose of bringing Jesus Christ into the lives of men and to develop in His knowledge and grace; to help them attain their goals and objectives; to provide training events for Conference, District, and local men leaders; to give appropriate support to organized fellowships; and to assist churches in organizing men for mission through projects and other activities of local churches and the District.
Article IV
The Organization shall have the authority to promote its work in accordance with the plans, responsibilities, and policies of the General Commission on United Methodist Men. Each local church fellowship shall apply for a charter or annual re-chartering by the General Commission on United Methodist Men.
Article V
The general objective of the Organization shall be to provide inspiration, leadership, and support to the District and local church United Methodist Men. The most important single function is to serve as an action channel for all men in their quest for Christian service. Accepted as specific objectives are the following:
- To promote Bible reading and prayer as a daily way of life.
- To coordinate Conference United Methodist Men’s activities.
- To provide leadership training for Conference, District and local church United Methodist Men.
- To work with the Bishop, Conference Council on Ministries, District Superintendents, and Pastors to undergird the program of the United Methodist Church.
- To promote personal evangelism.
- To promote the study of and familiarization with the United Methodist Church, its doctrine, and organization.
- To receive, evaluate, and promote service projects on Worldwide, National, Conference, District and Local Church levels.
- To promote and assist in the organization of United Methodist Men by encouraging the chartering and re-chartering of units at the local church level.
- To promote the annual Western North Carolina Conference United Methodist Men’s Rally.
- To encourage men to reach beyond the local Church in a ministry which radiates Christian principles of service.
- To promote a Men’s Ministry Sunday.
Article VI
The Organization shall be composed of all men of local churches or charges (chartered or un-chartered) lying within the bounds of the Conference and all clergy.
Article VII
The men of the Western North Carolina Conference shall be organized into local church United Methodist Men Fellowships. These Fellowships shall constitute Districts in accordance with the normal Districts of the United Methodist Church. These Districts shall constitute the Western North Carolina Conference United Methodist Men. Each local church unit and each District shall have its own duly elected officers as set forth in the By-laws for that particular level of organization.
The Organization shall be governed by a body known as the “Executive Board”, consisting of the officers set forth in Article VII, paragraphs A – F. There shall be an “Executive Committee”, as established in Article VII, paragraph G, which shall have full power and authority to act in behalf of the “Executive Board” in emergencies.
- PRESIDENT. The President shall be the executive officer of the organization, and it shall be his duty to preside at all regular and special meetings. He shall have general oversight of all work of United Methodist Men in the Conference. He shall also be the convener and preside over meetings of the Executive Committee.
- VICE-PRESIDENTS. There shall be three Vice-presidents who shall assist the President and work under his direction.
- First Vice-President- Assists the president and shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the president. He shall also chair the Evangelism/Youth Ministries Committee. Elected in odd numbered years.
- Second Vice-President- Shall chair the Missions and Outreach Committee and is responsible for the communications system. Elected in even numbered years.
- Third Vice-President- Shall chair the Spiritual Growth/ Rally Committee. Elected in odd numbered years.
- SECRETARY. The Secretary shall keep all records of the Organization. These records shall include all meetings of the Executive Board and the Executive Committee. Records shall be kept in an orderly manner and presented for approval at the following meeting of the Executive Board or Executive Committee. The Secretary shall notify the members of the Executive Board in a timely manner prior to such meetings.
- TREASURER. The Treasurer shall receive and disperse all funds remitted by local church fellowships, individuals or other organizations in support of the annual budget. Adequate records shall be kept and a report made to each meeting of the Executive Board and the Executive Committee. Disbursement shall be made only upon authorization of the Executive Board or designated committee or person.
- EXECUTIVE BOARD. The Executive Board shall consist of the Conference President, Vice-presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, the chairman of any established committee, and President of each of the Districts. The District President may designate a representative if necessary to insure District representation.
- EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS. Ex-officio members of the Conference Executive Board shall be the immediate past President, the Conference staff representative for UMM, the Conference Lay Leader, the Conference Scouting Coordinator and the Conference Prayer Advocate.
- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Executive Committee shall consist of: the Conference President, Vice-presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Conference staff representative for UMM.
- NOMINATING COMMITTEE. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the President, and four other members to be selected from and by the Executive Board.View Page The Committee shall elect its own Chairman selected from its own ranks. Each nominee for office shall be personally contacted by a member of the Committee for acceptance of the position.
- COMMITTEES. The President and Executive Board shall have the power and the authority to establish desired committees and to name the chairman thereof.
- ELECTION AND TERMS OF OFFICE. All officers shall be elected for a two year term of office by a simple majority vote of the General Membership at the Annual Rally of Conference United Methodist Men.
- The term of office will commence beginning July 1.
- The election of officers will be on a staggered basis. The President, one Vice-president, and the Secretary will stand for election in even numbered years and two Vice-presidents and the Treasurer will stand for election in odd numbered years.
- No elected officer, other than Treasurer, shall serve more than three consecutive terms in the same position.Any vacancy occurring in the office of the President or any other office of the Board shall be filled by the Executive Board.
- FINANCES. At the annual Rally a budget for the ensuing year will be presented, to which each local church fellowship should commit an amount reflecting its size and mission commitment. The fiscal year will begin July 1 and end June 30 of the following year.
Article VIII
There shall be at least one annual meeting of the Organization. This annual meeting will be known as “Conference United Methodist Men’s Rally” and will include a business meeting at which time the officers of the Organization will be elected by vote of the general membership by a simple majority. The Annual Rally will be held on the date determined by the Executive Board.
In addition to the general membership meeting held at the Rally, the Executive Board shall meet at least twice a year. Scheduling of the meetings shall be done by the Executive Board. Notice of all meetings shall be given in writing to all members of the Executive Board in a timely manner prior to the meeting.
The Executive Committee shall have full power and authority to act for the Board between meetings. Meetings shall be called by the President or by its own order, at such time and place as it may determine.
One-third of the members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Executive Board.
Article IX
Proposed amendments to this Constitution and Bylaws, which should be in harmony with The Book of Discipline, shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Board not later than thirty days prior to the annual “Conference United Methodist Men’s Rally”.
The Executive Board will coordinate and present any and all proposed amendments to the general membership for a vote. Any proposed amendment when presented to the general membership will require a simple majority to amend or become a part of the existing Constitution and Bylaws.